Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DChino's Top 5 Reason's to Hate NYC

DChino has created a top 5 reasons to hate NYC-

5- Dirty- There is shit everywhere! DChino blames this on the idiots that live in this city, why can't people just clean up after themselves. The city is like a baby who crapped their bed and is waiting for mommy to come clean it up.

4- Too many people- There is no personal space. Why in the world would anyone want to move on to a tiny ass island where there is no escaping the idiots that inhabit it - not to mention, paying a rediculous amount of money to do so.

3- Hipsters- Everyone in NY is trying to rebel from the "norm," but, all these rediculous cheddar dongs end up wearing the exact same black affliction t-shirts tight colored jeans while sporting clear glasses too big for their faces.

2- Michael Strahan's teeth-what a babbling Moron

1- These idiots=

These moron idiots not only have stolen many of our ideas for thier own NY style blog (sloweff.blogspot.com), but they also post long, rambling thoughts about shit no one cares about - including, but not limited to, waffle sandwiches and fox television.
please feel free to make comments

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