DChino is not too sure why Mrs. A is still friends with Dchino on facebook but nonetheless she has yet to DE-friend. Today, the self proclaimed "female jesus of fake fundraising and horribly irrelevant charities" has created much of a stir on Facebook.
Andrea Rodgers, the DC's most annoying and self centered alien beast, has just posted on her wall a terrible and misguiding facebook status-
"Andrea Rodgers - Having sex with a trafficked woman or child is rape."
DChino took time to read her post and so now DChino must take a little time to try to understand what the fuck she is talking about. Assuming that she is talking about prostitution of underage children than yes, of course, it is a horrible thing and it is rape. BUT, why in the world are you telling us this? It makes about as much sense as Swine Flu in Jerusalem.
Please Andrea Rogers do DC a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP!
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