Because the Washington Capitals are entering the Stanley Cup Playoffs tomorrow, DChino decided to take a field trip to meet some of the fans from section 432 in the Verizon Center. It just so happens that the fans of this section have their own website. If you are not familiar with Darkon, please feel free to watch this film Darkon
From perusing the Darkon homepage, DChino was able to locate the whereabouts of the next Darkon battle. DChino intercepted this ancient map and were able to find their geographic location
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DChino parked his car next to the Darkon chariots (ie honda elements and scions)and slowly approached the battlegrounds (ie Midland Elementary School) to find hundreds of Capitals fans from section 432 screaming bloody murder, as they fought for their freedom.

Taken aback, DChino decided not to walk onto the proving grounds (middle school soccer fields); rather, DChino waited in Laconia's encampment (the basketball court).
The warriors were getting famished so they partook in a feast from the gods (McDonalds- see picture below)

DChino was then introduced to the assassin, Voltor, son of Laxton III. He described the ins and outs of Darkon to DChino - the alliances, the monetary system, the love affairs, etc. Voltor, son of Laxton III, then went on describing his aspirations for the Washington Capitals in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. He talked about the powerplay being ready to face New York's stingy defense and how he believes Jose Theodore is ready for the biggest test of his life. Only seconds later, he ran back onto the battle ground (soccer field) to embrace the battle he came there for. Screaming "DESTINY" he struck his enemy with a piercing death blow to the midst of the chest. (please note Voltor, son of Laxton III, below - he is the one in the metal gear).

Although videos are strictly prohibited from Darkon, DChino was able to escape the realm of death (Midland Middle School) with this captured moment!
Is this for real? What is even going on out there? I'm surprised that any of these guys are legally allowed to get so close to a middle school.