Last night at the Rookery The Monroe Society held their annual Fashion for Earth Day party. DChino was given exclusive access to the event. The Party started off slow until Marcy (larger lady in pink) let out a large and uncharacteristic flachulation. In response to her uncontrolled action she screamed HAPPY EARTH DAY, and so the night began. With Range Rovers and Land Cruisers parked out back, the night was full of surprises all in the name of mother earth.
With that being said most people weren't aware of yesterdays's little-known special holiday. So DChino and the Rookery thought we'd remind you to drive a hummer, leave your lights on, or pour oil on a duck to celebrate "F*ck The Earth Day" on April 23rd. It's important - and remember, global warming is a myth - would the silver fox, Jack English, lie to you?
DChino doesn't think so.
Swim and eat rocks...happy fuck the earth day. ahahhhaha