Preakness is run by the dumbest bunch of morons. These jackasses could work for Congresswoman Corrine Brown , they're that dumb. You complain about not having enough attendance to support your racetrack, so what do you do? You ban drinking in the infield which is the only reason why people went to see your fucking race in the first place. Listen, no one cares about gay-ass horses or the little anorexic idiots that ride them. Horses are better off in catfood. The only reason people went to the race was to get wild. Who is going to pay a 50 dollar cover to buy 5 dollar beers. Oh you are going to put on a ZZ Top concert and have a womens volleyball tournement? ZZ Top, although an incredible band, can not compare to some fat drunk fat kid playing the xylophone with his man tits. As for women's volleyball, it cant compare to seeing the tattooed breasts of 30-40 over age over weight women from Dundalk Maryland. Example- I hope you go out of business and your horses are made into dog food. To preakness management, thank you for ruining one of baltimore's past times, you stupid peta faggot. Now we have to spend the next couple months in search of an open field that we won't need to pay $50 just to get into and drink.

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