The Penguin, who is currently in a holding cell in the basement of his parents house, is awaiting a sentence that could land him behind bars for several years. He has been accused of crimes including public urination outside a DC social event, yelling at young coeds for touching his white '99 Land Rover Discovery, plagiarizing for a political blog, and much more. Unfortunately, it looks like this Penguin can not be cooled down, he has found a way to strike again even from within the confines of his basement cave.
The Penguin has been blasting viruses across the web through a new and annoying method called FAN IQ. Although, one must be either 1) mentally handicapped to be dumb enough to open this, or 2) so socially deprived that they are in need of an urgent message from ambiguous entities such as MARK N. or MIKE S. or MARIE. W. Who the hell would open such a message? Well, the Penguin has had some success with this horrible virus.
We at DChino are working day in and day out towards getting this nonflying, fish-eating beast behind bars. In the meantime, do not open the virus he sends! If you receive a letter in the mail with this stationary- please do not open!

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