Today we sat down with Eric Timmons of Fairfax Virginia who usually sits in section 423 in the Verizon Center for Washington Capitals home games. Many of his closest friends know him as Baron Bannor, Knight Baronet, from his weekly Darkon role playing games.

DChino: Hows work going Eric
Eric: Today, I received an e-mail from the guys at work. It was an invite to lunch but It said, "Lunch today at Clydes, PLEASE don't tell Eric, I don't think any of us can take any more of him!" I am Eric.
DChino: Thats too bad Eric, well at least you have a son to come home to. How is he?
Eric: Today, my son looked out of the window and said "what's that piece of shit doing on our driveway?" It was the new car we were trying to surprise him with on his 16th birthday.
Dchino: What a horrible situation, I think its time for you to take a vacation
Eric: Well, yesterday I stayed over at my grandparents' house. I woke up and had to brush my teeth. My grandma asked if I had found a toothbrush to use. I told her that I used my old purple toothbrush. She told me that was the toothbrush she used to brush her pubic hair.
DChino: This conversation is over.
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